Physical description:


He is tall, he is an old person, he is a little bald, he is fat, he has a big white moustache, he has white short hair, he has small eyes brown and small mouth, he has some glasses, he has a big nose, he has a big ears, he has an oval face, he has short arms, he has long legs, he has big hands, he has long feet, he has big teeths, he has a big smile. 

-It was the first flight of Gabriel Garcia . He  was nervous as the plane took off.
-The french of Gabriel Garcia isn’t very good, but it’s enough to get by.
-Gabriel Garcia You’re walking too fast. I can’t keep up with you.
-We looked up at the plane with Gabriel Garcia as it flew above us.
-How did the thieves get in the house of Gabriel Garcia?

Gabriel Garcia Marquez
Resultado de imagen para gabriel garcia marquez
Resultado de imagen para gabriel garcia marquez
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Resultado de imagen para gabriel garcia marquezResultado de imagen para gabriel garcia marquez
